Wednesday, August 17, 2011

'The Help'

There's obviously more to life than what we're doing now. Coming home from watching 'The Help' tonight made me almost hate that we're still living in a generation with people leftover from the times of segregation. I know it's ignorant to look that critically when I wasn't there to experience it, but I just can't imagine ever treating another human being in such a way. Yes, there's the 'It gets better' movement and we can still say the mistreatment can be applied to today. But I have a hard time wrapping my head around all of it. To make someone feel and treat them so poorly about themselves because they are different? How many times has that obvious question been asked...

The film reminds us of how far we've come. It also shows the complete ignorance that comes with mob mentality. Yes, I am a "minority," but I don't know how many times I think I'd like to go back in time to see how I'd feel: to know what I'd really believe and if my morals would be the same.

I'm glad there are people great with enough heart out there to write stories like 'The Help' to remind us all how much and how many we have to be grateful for.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Being happy

I just browsed a bunch of quotes sites, looking for a good 'happy' quote to put up. For the most part, they were all making me smile-- I directly looked up Oscar Wilde before anything else because he is awesome-- but then I decided to come here to add my first blog entry. I know I don't have any readers, but this will be kind of like a diary. I guess that's what these things turn out to be, no? Anyway, I always have a ton of thoughts and I always feel the need for them to be challenged. If I were talking to you in real life, you'd probably get annoyed with me because I'd ask too many questions or push a subject that you wish would end! This I know because my boyfriend says so. And no, I'm not one of those girls. But it's true. I do ramble a lot; case in point: all of that.

And just like that, I got off topic.

Being happy, to me, has always just been something I felt someone needs to choose to do. I'm trying to think of the saddest times in my life (fortunately, as I hope for everyone, there aren't too many to handle), and I'm remembering now how I would: 1) Choose to wallow; or 2) Want to get over it. What I just realized now is that I wouldn't have been able to get over those moments without people around. Talking to others has always made me happy and I guess I just can't understand those who choose to clam up when things are getting them down.

Isn't it bad for you to hold feelings in, especially when they're negative? Don't you need to let those all out? That's why I have girl friends. For amazing, well-received and needed venting sessions over the phone or in person. I just don't understand why someone would choose to deal with burdens all on their own. I understand dealing with grief-- that is the initial feeling. But after that, if you hold onto it on your own, isn't that just carrying an unnecessary burden? Correct me if I'm wrong. The people who do hold it all in and (in my mind) choose to be sad, of course won't open up to me about why they do that.

I never want my posts to sound opinionated or close-minded, although I know they may come off as so. But that's why I decided to start blogging them. Maybe I'll get some worthwhile, in-depth responses that I can't drag out of the friends who do keep to themselves and seem to put the happy on hold.

  • People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost. ~H. Jackson Browne
  • If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy
You be the judge...

Thanks for reading and welcome to my blog :)